There are no coincidences in the universe.

Solitary Animal: Time Marches Nowhere

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Time Marches Nowhere

Excerpt from Home with God - In a Life that Never Ends

There is nothing mysterious about the universe once you look right at it, once you see it multi-dimensionally. This is not easy for most people to do, however, given their limited perspective.


Blogger solitary animal said...

Excerpt from Home with God - In a Life that Never Ends

There is nothing mysterious about the universe once you look right at it, once you see it multi-dimensionally. This is not easy for most people to do, however, given their limited perspective.

You have placed yourself with a body, inside of Space and Time,seeing, perceiving and moving in the limited directions of which the body is capable. Yet your body is not Who You Are, but something that you have. Time is not something that passes, but something that you pass through, as you would pass through a room.
And Space is not really “space” at all, as in “a place where there is nothing,” for no such place exists.

Time IS. It is said that “time marches on,” but time, in fact, marches nowhere. It is you who march on, you who “move through time,” you who create the illusion of “time passing” as you pass through the Only Moment There Is.

And the “Only Moment There Is” is endless, and so, as you move through it, you have the feeling that you are literally “just passing time,” because you are.

Time is something that you notice sequentially while it exists simultaneously in all spaces. Space and Time are sequentaneous. As you move down the Corridors of Time you come to experience that Space/Time is vast. The “Only Moment There Is” is called the Space/Time CONTINUUM precisely because this space/time reality continues to always be.

You, as Pure Spirit, can move through this Singular Reality (sometimes called The Singularity) in endless cycles as you continue to experience your Self. You ARE this Singularity. You are the stuff of which it is made. The Pure Essence. The Energy. You are an individuation of this energy and this Essence. You are an “Individuation of the Singularity.”

The Singularity is what some of you call God. The Individuation is what some of you call You.

You can split your Self up and move through The Singularity in many different directions. You call these varying movements through the Space/Time Continuum, “lifetimes.”

These are the Cycles of the Self that reveal the Self TO the Self through the Cycling OF the Self THROUGH the Self.

--- Chapter 17, HOME WITH GOD in a Life That Never Ends

Sunday, April 16, 2006 4:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

Saturday, May 27, 2006 10:00:00 AM  

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